[adelie-devel] Future of GNU coreutils and OpenRC

From: zlg <zlg_at_zlg.space>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2019 10:49:53 -0800

Over the past few days, conversation in IRC has brought about talk of
the s6 set of utilities becoming more strongly integrated with Adélie,
with a hopeful end result of s6 powering init (once s6-linux-init is
done), services (via s6-rc), and process supervision, among other things
like tcp wrappers, etc. Talk of gutting GNU coreutils was also present.

I'd like to ask: what does this mean for developers or users like myself
who currently use GNU coreutils and OpenRC? What is Adélie's official
long-term statement on the "main" software stack? (for lack of better

Thanks for your time and consideration.

https://zlg.space/ | gopher://zlg.space/1/
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