[adelie-pkg] [PATCH 1/2] user/ttf-noto-cjk: new package

From: Max Rees <maxcrees_at_me.com>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2018 03:19:49 -0400

 user/ttf-noto-cjk/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf | 263 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 user/ttf-noto-cjk/APKBUILD             |  40 ++++
 2 files changed, 303 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 user/ttf-noto-cjk/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf
 create mode 100644 user/ttf-noto-cjk/APKBUILD
diff --git a/user/ttf-noto-cjk/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf b/user/ttf-noto-cjk/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c4f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/ttf-noto-cjk/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf
_at__at_ -0,0 +1,263 _at__at_
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
+  <!-- Sans -->
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans CJK TC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans CJK JP</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans CJK KR</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <!-- Sans Mono -->
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK SC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK TC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK JP</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Sans Mono CJK KR</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <!-- Serif -->
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Serif CJK SC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Serif CJK TC</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Serif CJK JP</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
+  <match target="font" >
+    <test name="family" >
+      <string>Noto Serif CJK KR</string>
+    </test>
+    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
+      <const>hintslight</const>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
+      <bool>true</bool>
+    </edit>
+    <edit name="globaladvance">
+      <bool>false</bool>
+    </edit>
+  </match>
diff --git a/user/ttf-noto-cjk/APKBUILD b/user/ttf-noto-cjk/APKBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8b779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/ttf-noto-cjk/APKBUILD
_at__at_ -0,0 +1,40 _at__at_
+# Contributor: Carlo Landmeter <clandmeter(a)gmail.com>
+# Contributor: A. Wilcox <awilfox(a)adelielinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Max Rees <maxcrees(a)me.com>
+pkgdesc="Noto fonts for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean"
+options="!check"  # how do you test a font?
+# * The archive is taken from https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-cjk/releases
+#   with only the Noto*CJK-*.ttc files kept. These are the so-called
+#   "OpenType/CFF Collection (OTC)" files, which combine the Traditional
+#   Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean glyphs into single files.
+#   There are 7 weight variants of NotoSansCJK (which includes Noto Sans CJK
+#   and Noto Sans Mono CJK), and 7 weight variants of NotoSerifCJK, for a total
+#   of 14 files.
+# * Adapted fontconfig configuration from:
+#   https://github.com/bohoomil/fontconfig-ultimate/tree/master/fontconfig_patches/fonts-settings
+	90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf
+	"
+package() {
+	mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"$pkgname" \
+		"$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.d \
+		"$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.avail
+	cp "$builddir"/*.ttc "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"$pkgname"
+	cp "$srcdir"/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.avail
+	cd "$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.d
+	ln -sf /etc/fonts/conf.avail/90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf
+sha512sums="5ac6740ef2cc4a4f1f59304c617b2268e220f3d7d72430184506cb1ccd86cebea4c4f5366a7285ebd2993e6a59557a0396badaeb6239f51f15db1c5d28b5ae03  ttf-noto-cjk-20170601.tar.xz
+ea74f9b289b85926b973d15124fe863e0a537bb7ef5cf523f7e960b03bfbd53c86be01ac8062a4d71f77d943ae4695a91a8168c8351b5738081663639ff4982c  90-ttf-noto-cjk.conf"
Received on Fri Aug 03 2018 - 07:06:41 UTC

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.4.0 : Sat May 08 2021 - 22:54:40 UTC