On 3/29/19 1:04 AM, A. Wilcox wrote:
> The Project proposal must contain the name of the project, the desired short
> name for the mailing list, and the common goal it wishes to achieve.
I'd suggest including an initial list of members in that list as well.
> An Interest Group is more informal than a Project; it will not be assigned a
> mailing list unless a need for one is demonstrated. Additionally, Interest
> Groups related to a package or set of packages will not have an official
> branch of packages.git created. It is expected that Interest Groups will
> work with any relevant Project(s) to accomplish their packaging tasks.
So what _do_ they get? Just web space?
> Nomination of a new member of the Platform Group may be made by any
> Committer. The new member must be an existing Committer with no disciplinary
> action taken against them in the past six months. The existing Platform
> Group will then hold a vote on the candidate; a simple majority will allow
> the addition of the Committer to the Platform Group.
The process for "disciplinary action" should probably be explained somewhere.
Also, are there term limits (or is the Platform Group the set of BDFLs)? And
what's the process for stepping down voluntarily?
Everything in the document so far looks good, but I think it could use some
elaboration on the points above.
Received on Sat Mar 30 2019 - 00:23:37 UTC