On Friday, April 5, 2019 3:00 PM, Rick Graham <rickhg12hs@gmail.com> wrote:


I want to try Adélie Linux in a VirtualBox VM.  After doing the manual install, and `apk add kde`, what do I need to do to use KDE? Is there a way to boot to a graphical login window?

If you don't want a display manager you will need xinit pkg a .xinitrc file on your home directory with the command
exec startkde
at the end of the file.  I don't use kde, I use openbox and it worked (exec openbox-session)
Then when you log in you can use xinit or startx and you will be in KDE

I am not part of the adelie team, just a user.  I hope I helped.

If you get a rights error, I don't remember, you will need a file in /etc/X11 :
with the following line in it:
needs_root_rights = yes

Then issue startx again and you should be on.