Thank you very much for the quick and helpful responses. I have successfully installed Adélie on mz G3 machine, and everything went really smoothly. However, I am not able to get hardware acceleration working, so I will open another issue shortly.



lunes, 20 may 2019, 22:01 +02:00 de A. Wilcox <>:

On 05/18/19 12:10, Nicol?s Colla wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you very much for your amazing work. This is the first time I
> am using this mailing list, so I might be doing something wrong.
> Sorry if this is the case.
> I am installing Adélie Linux on my PowerPC machine following the
> documentation instructions
> (,
> and I am stuck in the "Configure APK" chapter of the manual.
> When I run the "apk --root /target update" command, the system is not
> able to fetch the required files. It seems like the mirror is not
> working, since I am not able to ping the mirror's address.
> Is this correct? And, if so, is there any other mirror that could be
> used?
> Thank you,
> Mail sent from Mail.Ru.

Hi there Nicolas,

We had a temporary hardware issue on one of our mirrors. This was
causing some people to be unable to download and install packages. The
issue has been resolved as of yesterday morning and it should be working
fine now.

Please let us know if you have any further issue with your install on
your PPC. We would be happy to help! :)

Best to you and yours,

A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Project Lead, Adélie Linux

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Nicolás Colla