
My version should be 1.2.2 because my file is in etc/default/tlp
You told me to execute apk fetch --stdout tlp | tar -xOf - etc/default/tlp > myfile

System respond :
sudo apk fetch --stdout tlp | tar -xOf - ~/.tlp > myfile
bash: myfile: Permission denied
sudo: apk: command not found

I try with apt :
sudo apt fetch --stdout tlp | tar -xOf - ~/.tlp > myfile
bash: myfile: Permission denied
E: Command line option --stdout is not understood in combination with the other options

I have overwrite the file and i have no files in the same location but with the suffix ".apk-new"

help please
Le vendredi 15 mai 2020 à 09:41:12 UTC+2, Max Rees <maxcrees@me.com> a écrit :

On Fri May 15 07:27 AM, Didier BOUSSARD wrote:

> Hello
> I discard by inadvertance the default configuration file. I can make
> one by tlp-stat > myfile but there is no more comment inside.  How can
> i get it back? (uninstall then install tlp did not resolve my problem)
> thanks

Is this on an Adélie system? It seems odd that uninstalling and
reinstalling it would not restore the default configuration if you have
deleted the file entirely. Usually it will place the default
configuration files in the same location but with the suffix ".apk-new"
if you have overridden things (but not if you deleted the file entirely
- it should just appear as the normal name).

There is also the problem of our current version spread of TLP - the
instructions depend on which version of TLP you have (`apk info -ev tlp`
will tell you - make sure your system is up-to-date though).

For tlp-1.2.2-r0, the configuration file is /etc/default/tlp. You can
get it from the package like this:

apk fetch --stdout tlp | tar -xOf - etc/default/tlp > myfile

For tlp-1.3.1-r0, it's /etc/tlp.conf:

apk fetch --stdout tlp | tar -xOf - etc/tlp.conf > myfile

In the future you may want to email the
adelie-users@lists.adelielinux.org mailing list instead of the package
maintainer directly, then everyone can help. :)
