Yes, it's definitely a permission issue because i can't even run the power options as a user. My DE is Plasma, and indeed I checked different services like dbus, consolekit, looks like they are all up and running. 

Il lun 29 giu 2020, 19:48 Max Rees <> ha scritto:
On Mon Jun 29 01:12 PM, Extinction Event Band wrote:
> Hi Max, no problem, thanks so much for your advice! I added the two links
> to the repositories, installed the linux-firmware package, installed
> Networkmanager and finally I got my wireless connection working!💪 However,
> I faced a weird issue: when I tried to connect to my SSID I got a fail
> because of insufficient privileges to do so..Also, I noticed that the
> shutdown and reboot button were missing from the launcher. Indeed, I could
> only logout, but I had to push the poweroff button to reboot/shutdown. It
> looks like a polkit/consolekit/sddm issue, what could I do? Thanks again.

These issues sound related if the insufficient privileges issue was
raised by the NetworkManager GUI. Can I ask which desktop environment
you're using with sddm? The sddm session file is most likely not
starting a new consolekit session correctly. We recently fixed this for
the MATE desktop environment but I believe the other DEs still have this
